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Cuando el miedo muerde.

Gritame. Pelea. Dime que sientes.

Llora. Lastimame. Hazme saber que sientes.

No dejes que me vaya.

No dejes que esto pase.

Solo, no te quedes ahi parado. Callado. Mirandome con esa cara de "pobre".

Como si ya no te importara.

Dime que te importa.

You've just given up so easily.


Don't you get how much I need you?

If you lift me up; if you just get me through this night..


Necesito irme de aqui; necesito estar con las personas que me quieren con ellos; necesito volver a respirar porque cuando estoy aqui..cuando estoy aqui me siento atrapada, muerta, gorda, inutil, sin nada que decir y sin nada que pensar y sin nada que hacer aparte de sentarme a leer sobre vidas que no son mias solo para DISTRAERME un poco.

Pero no soy yo la que tiene la ultima palabra y estoy cansada solo quiero.Salir.


desaparecer [eso esta mejor]


Rabia de querer ser mas, rabia de querer que me mire.

Rabia de querer que me hable. Rabia de querer cambiar y que sea tan dificil.

Rabia de querer que cambie aun lo ame.

Rabia de amarlo de esa manera! Como es posible?! Es humanamente imposible; es increible que haga esto. No creo poder superarlo. Jamas.

Y no es mas que mi propia culpa porque sabes? No soy mas que YO la que lo deje entrar a mi mundo. A mis secretos. Le di todo lo que tenia para darle, y hasta mas. Y lo tiene todo en sus manos. Y olvida que toda YO estoy ahi y simplemente me deja caer. Una y otra vez. Y me recoge.Y me deja caer. Y yo intento reconstruirme; juro que lo intento. Pero siempre me vuelve a partir.


Don't wait for me tonight; that's all I have to say.


Y volaste alrededor de la luna con ella,

Le pediste que nunca se fuera.

Y ella respondio; mi amor siempre estará cuidandote.

Y la dejaste volar.

Y tus ojos lloraron hasta doler.

Pero solo tu sabias, que asi tenia que ser.


He yells at me.

Because I forgot how to breathe.


Te conozco, te veo, te vi.

Te escucho.

No lo hagas. Yo se lo que te digo no lo hagas. No entres alli, porfavor no lo hagas.

Es un lugar al que no quieres entrar. Del que no podras salir.


Lo siento.


Why can't you just shut the fuck up?
I mean, why do you think you are THAT great? Guess what. You're not.
You're nothing but a selfish, fat, ignorant ordinary person.

Just. Shut. Up.

Everytime you open your mouth I feel like hitting you.
Because, EVERYTIME you open your mouth is to say something insulting about someone, or something NOT smart at all.

Just get over it.

Just get over the fact that you are NOT perfect and so is anyone else.


Todos esos planes, todo eso en lo que crei, todo eso que hice, todo lo que llore.
Creo que solo estaba esperandote a ti.


Como te amo, stupid little piece of shit :)


soy de piedra
no me importa
si pienso en ti
no te importo
si me importas
no me amas:)
I'm gone
te odio
te amo
me haces daño
hasta aqui llego yo.


No eres nada.
No eres nadie.
No existes.

No tienes porque hablarme.
Esta bien
Estoy bien.
Aunque pense que te necesitaba, aunque creia firmemente en que sin ti poco a poco me volvia un poco mas loca, seguire caminando sin ti.
El que no arriesga no gana y yo veo esto como un largo camino, que no puedo caminar cogida de la mano de alguien.
Tarde o temprano quedaria atras.
Podran caminar junto a mi, pero no conmigo.


Stupid little bitch!
You fucking piece of shit
How can you do that?
Oh, yeah. You wanted me to feel something for you?
Well, here I am.
Bet u cant do anything, huh?


Cover my eyes, cover my ears.
Please tell me these words are a lie.
Can you hear heaven cry?
Stars are in shock.
Hold on, be strong.

Don't let go.


No one can save me, not even you

Once upon a time, I belived in happy endings. I believed in love. I believed that someday, someone would come and get me out of here. Once upon a time, I had faith. Once upon a time I believed you were the solution for all of this. I imagined you coming to me. I believed I could make you happy, I believed you could make me happy. I used to be my own protection, but then you found me. I'm glad we met. You saved me from falling even more. Thank you. Please understand that I don't want to cry and fall to pieces when you're not here anymore. Please understand you're everything I have and I can't allow that to become more real than it already is. Haven't I told you how much it hurt that first time when I thought I'd never have you again? I guess I have. But, I believe every word you say. I guess I believe you love me. And I love you. Maybe, after all, I will have to hold on when this is over. And if this ain't love, then it's much closer to it than I thought. You have made me happy. You have done a lot. But, when the time comes, no one will be able to save me..not even you.


El no es perfecto.
No es el mas educado, ni el mas cabellero, ni el mas delicado con tus sentimientos.
Puede decir babosadas y meter la pata las veces que quiera.
No lo dejare de amar.
Puede no ser el sueño de toda niña..
Pero defenitivamente SI es el mio.
Es perfecta la forma en que me hace sentir, es perfecto lo que siento por el.
No lo cambiaria por nada.


I love you, and that's all I know.
I promised to myself I'd never go back with you, no matter how much I loved u, or how much I need you.
I used to repeat to myself that I loved you, but I was better without you.
I don't know if that's true.
But I don't wanna try . Not again.
I like it this way.
Do u like it his way ?
Cuz I love it this way. !



Give me strenght.

Please, let me look at them, and be happy for them.
This can't be THAT hard, right?

All I have to think is that..she's my best friend, I want him to be happy. And if they're happy together, well, go ahead.



Yes, i need u.
Yes, i miss u.
But at least i know i did something for myself.
It wont last forever. The day i dont need u and i dont miss u anymore will be here sooner or later.
For now, goodbye. U were not good. I thought u were all i wanted.
So..i guess i was wrong.



It wasnt how i planned it to be.
I don't really know what I feel anymore.
He was everything i wanted, but he screwed up and now its over.
But he, the other he, well..he makes me happy, he makes me smile. But i'm not really sure i love him. I dont wanna lose him, but i still miss too much the boy i thought loved me. It seems like he didn' dissapointing, huh? I still love him, and, for now...i just need to forget him, by tring to love the amazing boy that really loves me.

Is just that..i dont really want to get over him.
At least, not for now.


Love me or leave me, but don't stay here if you simply don't care.


Ya no te extra;o. Cada vez se hace mas facil. Cada vez es mas facil hacer q no pasa nada. Cada vez es mas facil ignorar lo que dices.
Ya soy capaz de distraerme con otras cosas. Ya no soy una psicopata patetica obsesionada con verte...
Ya es facil no pensar en ti.
Cada vez es mas como un ciego que nacio de esa forma...nunca vio nada, no sabe que es el mundo..entonces no puede extra;arlo. Asi me siento.
Entre menos te veo, mas facil se vuelve esto.



Te echo de menos, le digo al aire..
te busco, te pienso, te siento y siento que como tu no habra nadie.
Y aqui te espero, con mi cajita de la vida, cansada, a oscuras, con miedo y este frio, nadie me lo quita.
Tengo razones para buscarte...
tengo necesidad de verte, de oirte, de hablarte.
Tengo razones para esperarte, porque no creo que haya en el mundo nadie mas a quien ame.
Tengo razones..razones de sobra para pedirle al viento que vuelvas..
aunque sea como una sombra.
Tengo razones para no quererte olvidar..porque el trocito de felicidad fuiste tu quien me lo dio a probar.



Human Life is made up of Choices.
Yes or no.
Up or Down.
In or Out.
Run or stay.
And there are the choices that matter..:
Love or Hate.
Be a hero, or be a coward.
Fight or give in.
Live or Die.
...Live or Die...
That's the most important choice
...and It's not always on our hands.